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11 Best Criminal Defense Attorneys in Indiana

Gregg Stark

I am a former DUI prosecutor who knows how to protect good people arrested for drunk driving. As a 25 year top rated OWI DUI lawyer in Indiana, I have defended

Indianapolis, Indiana, 46240, United States

Bradley Banks

Brad has significant experience in the Criminal area. Brad is an Indianapolis criminal defense attorney who served as a substantial felony prosecutor in Hamilton

Indianapolis, Indiana, 46268, United States

Nicholas Wheeler

Nicholas Wheeler is a family and criminal defense attorney, and brings a nearly ten-year service history in the United States Air Force to his practice. He

Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46802, United States

Brad Banks
Indianapolis, Indiana, 46268, United States

Adam Brower

Mr. Brower’s exceptional track record in all of his practice areas has earned him a 10.0 “Superb” peer review rating through Avvo, and has

Indianapolis, Indiana, 46268, United States

Paul Stanko

Former Lake County Judge Paul Stanko is one of Indiana’s most experienced criminal lawyers. As a prosecutor in Starke and Lake Counties, a presiding

Plymouth, Indiana, 46563, United States

Jesse K. Sanchez

Looking for an Indianapolis criminal defense attorney? The Law Office of Jesse K. Sanchez can help.

Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204, United States

Douglas Garner

Doug graduated from the University of Cincinnati Law School in 1991. He spent three years as a contract Public Defender in Hamilton County, Ohio, and an associate

Lawrenceburg, Indiana, 47025, United States

Chris Eskew

Chris Eskew is a talented criminal defense litigator who was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. His passion for Indiana, his dedication to his clients,

Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204, United States

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